How To Register in Oriflame and Make Money

Oriflame is a leading beauty company that markets its product through direct selling. She is present in more than 60 countries and  has its origin in Sweden with corporate offices in Switzerland

For those thinking how much it cost for Oriflame Registration 

The company was founded in 1967 in Sweden by two brothers: Jonas Af Jochnick and Robert Af Jochnick.

Oriflame is an awesome opportunity if you want to make money online in Nigeria. All it takes is for you to get registered as an Oriflame consultant.

Many people are scared of joining companies like this either because they don’t know how to sell or what to do?
If this is your challenge don’t worry, in this post I will teach you strategies you can use in making money with Oriflame.

Oriflame Registration

Benefits of Being an Oriflame Consultant

Save Money

Oriflame offers consultants a discount on each product they purchase. This means that you can save between 20-30% on each order you make from their site. Discount is a difference between the price you pay as Consultant and catalogue price that customer is paying

Just imagine 20% of 5000 that is you save #1000 just by making an order for a 5000 naira item. This indeed is definitely the beginning of great things

2. Make Money

There are different ways you can make money with Oriflame

1. You can make money through selling

For example, if  you purchase a product on Oriflame for 3000 -you can sell the same item at a marked up price -for example 3200 or 3400.

By selling more products you will earn an  additional profit and  benefits (additional benefits include: Welcome Programme, Bonus Gift) & also  an additional discount of up to 35%.

If you sell products to 6 friends, you will immediately earn 30%

2. Through Referral Commissions

Oriflame offers  some good amount of commission to consultants through referrals.

By referring your friends to join Oriflame, you can make some good amount of money. Oriflame offers a commission to you for products your referrals purchase. This can get you 8% commission.

This means that by referring someone to join Oriflame you can make money on the go even when you are asleep. This shows that you can get wealth on auto-pilot as long as your referral purchases the product.

But you can also earn up to 13.5% on the sales of every Consultant you invite to join Oriflame.

This is a way to increase your earnings and  gain financial independence. What it takes is for you to train your team to become the best they can. The benefit of doing this is because you earn a certain percentage of ever joins your group.


Oriflame enables you to work at your pace. You determine your goals, how many hours you want to work, and who do you want to have on your team. Oriflame’s Success Plan offers unlimited opportunities with no risk, the success and earnings depend on your willingness to work hard and achieve it.

How Do You Sell Your Oriflame Product?

1. Recommend It To Friends and Family

Selling Oriflame is not difficult,  It as simple as recommending a friend to watch a movie. What is required is for you to possess a currency of trust. Once people trust you, you can easily offer them products that you know are great and once they use them, they will fall in love with the product and henceforth you will become the man to call when it’s needed.

Oriflame has made it easy for you to sell. They do this by providing a catalogue. Armed with the catalogue you can easily convince potential customers about your product.

2. Offer a Demonstration

The magic about selling Oriflame is for you to show your friends how?
You can do this by making up a friend, family member or relative. When people see the difference it makes -it becomes easy for you to sell your Oriflame product.

Oriflame FAq

Organize Get Togethers

Settings that allow for relaxation among friends is a great place to sell your products. Get-togethers and parties are awesome places to get started. Because the venues are relaxed, you can easily fall into conversation about the beauty products they use? This is an opportunity to tell them why they should consider yours. A demonstration of the capability of your product should seal the deal.

4. Seduce Them

Imagine wearing a fragrance that not only wows people you meet but prompt them to ask you what type of fragrance you are using.

Wearing an Oriflame perfume is a channel to getting new buyers. The flowery fragrance is powerfully seductive. It creates an aura of warmth around the wearer.

 Add this to your selling arsenal and you will smile home to the bank.

 Simply show the catalogue, share your positive experience with the products and ask for their orders. People really appreciate it, since it’s an easy, personal and convenient way to shop. As a Consultant, you earn a percentage of every order.

As your own boss, it is only you who gets to decide how far you want to go. You determine your goals, how many hours you want to work, and who do you want to have on your team.

Oriflame’s Success Plan offers unlimited opportunities with no risk. Your success and earnings depend on how hard you are willing to work.

You are your own boss. Oriflame has unique business concept – Make money today and fulfil your dreams tomorrow. You can start making money the same day you join and build your own business for tomorrow.

Oriflame Registration With Us