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What Is Modicare RED DIAMOND DIRECTOR Salary | Job Opening

What Is Modicare RED DIAMOND DIRECTOR Salary | Job Opening


Dr. Surekha Bhargava, the 1st Red Diamond Director of Modicare. Families where girls are not judged less than boys, houses where girls are not prevented from dreaming, they become Grihashaobha and enhance the pride of the family and the country. This has been proved by Surekha Bhargava, a lady from the middle-class family of Rajasthan.

Surekha Bhargava is one of the biggest success stories in the Indian direct selling industry. She grew up in a working family. She was one of three daughters in the family. The thinking of her parents that their girls would bring glory to the family was a great act of courage.

Her father had worked in Jodhpur dairy and her mother was a teacher in a government school. Like her mother s house, her in-laws also helped her to pursue further education. With the support of her chartered accountant husband, Shri Arun Bhargava, she completed her degree and took a PhD also.

Modicare Job

The busy work of the household, taking care of the family, and nurturing her child had not only suppressed her dreams for some time but also destroyed all her confidence. Modicare business came like magic into their lives. A business with no capital investment and could be done from home.

Moreover, someone was willing to help and teach them too. It was the vision of Arun Ji father, Shri Kripa Shankar Ji, who used to say that this business is going to be very big and whatever needs to be done for it, should be done. Soon her dreams took feathers and she started thinking big, talking big, and doing small tasks happily.

Initially, this unique business was neither understood enough by them nor could they explain it to anyone else. Soon, Arun Bhargava Ji also started supporting them. What happened after that has become a golden history today. Modicare has fulfilled her every dream of luxurious houses, multiple luxury cars (like Mercedes, Volvo & BMW), honor, fame, more than 50 foreign trips and opportunity to help others.

Modiccare As Carrier

She understood the greatest importance of being self-reliant and financially secure when Arunji suddenly suffered a brain hemorrhage in 2005 and went into a coma. Following that incident, the next ten years were full of difficulties.

The continuous income from Modicare, the confidence given by Modicare, and the blessings of the people whose lives she changed was a big support. Today, Arun Ji is not in this world and Surekha Ji has dedicated her life to making everyone understand the importance of permanent income.

She has joined shoulder to shoulder with Samir Modi Ji in the mission of providing financial freedom to as many people as possible. On this path, she has met many great dreaming people whose immense success had proved that Modicare business opens doors of success for everyone.

Modicare salutes courage, spirit and her morale. Today the country needs determined women like her who not only take care of their own house but also inspire others to do something in life with their success. Only those who constantly push their skies can stay on the summit.

Alpesh Hasmukhbhai Gajjar (RED DIAMOND DIRECTOR)

Climbing the stairs of success and living the life of significance is the Modiway. This is Modicare I am Alpesh Gajjar from Vadodara, Gujarat and I take this opportunity to extend my hearty gratitude to Mr. Samir Kumar Modi, who with his vision and big mission has provided this unique opportunity for one and all.

I thank my upline Dr. Surekha Bhargava Maam for all her guidance and support throughout my journey of Modicare. Last but not the least, a big thanks to my very lovely team. It is their success which has made me reach this level today. My story started when I was at a very crucial stage of my traditional business.

I had nurtured that business for nearly 14 years and had reached a top position at a very young age with all materialistic gains and successes. As we all know, change is the only constant. There was a big change which came in the technology world and it turned my life is boat upside down.

Though I was born in poverty and brought up in a very small village, I always carried a positive mindset and attitude. This gave me an opportunity in the form of direct selling industry and being a businessman, I could clearly foresee the big picture of this industry.

Modicare Highest Income

I started my journey in Modicare some 8 years ago with the guidance and support from my upline. With the help of the unconditional work of my enthusiastic team, we all started climbing our steps of success. With teamwork and mentorship of our dear Samir Kumar Modi Sir, who has a very big vision of ’Azadi’ for all Indians, my team and I have achieved many milestones.

I feel proud to mention that I am blessed with an enthusiastic and passionate team that is focused on success. It is my commitment to create many more success stories in my team, by fulfilling the dreams of all those who work towards achieving it.

This unique opportunity has changed my life completely, from an unpredictable future and stressful life of a traditional business to the financial and time freedom. What I would just like to tell one and all is, if you really want to live life and not just survive then come and join hands with us and


I was an insurance agent and was also running a fast-food business in the evening time. My wife was a housewife. We both were from the same village and studied together in the same class. We are from a lower middle-class family. My father was an engineer and there were total of 16 members in my family.

My father was the only earning member and he always lived with a financial crunch. We both are graduates and I was thinking of becoming an engineer like my father. But looking at his financial condition, I decided to become a businessman so that I could earn good amount of money and support my family.

I was a failure as a businessman. I failed in multiple businesses and I was burdened with huge loans. I tried for many years to repay my loan amount, but I failed. Day by day my loan amount was increasing and my financial condition was becoming worse.

Modicare Top Earner

There was a huge pressure from my lenders to return their money. One day, I had no money even to feed my wife and children. That day I was totally depressed and felt harassed. My future was looking completely dark. The next morning, I started an insurance agency and later started a fast-food business. Even after doing everything, my life was full of struggles.

The only option I had was to work hard and keep my faith in god. I was working 15 hours a day, managing two professions but still my monthly income was only Rs. 18,000/-. It’s a fact that, I was in search of a better opportunity. That is when I met somebody who told me about a beautiful business opportunity.

Modicare Monthly Income

He told me that if I worked part time, I could earn in six figures per month. Initially, I didn’t believe him but when I understood the marketing plan, saw the product demo of ’Duz All & One der Drop’, I decided to join the Modicare business. I was totally frustrated with my life and with the situation that I was living in.

I was trying hard to come out from my financial problems and was eagerly waiting for an opportunity. When I came to know about Modicare giving the opportunity to earn the money we want along with foreign trips, time freedom, passive income, name & fame and most importantly the possibility to help others is what inspired me to join this noble business.

Now, my average family income is in seven figures per month. I have purchased 7 cars including a Mercedes, 5 houses and 22 times I have been on foreign trips. What I would like to tell everyone is that, “Give your best for Modicare business and in return Modicare will give you much more than

what you want today.” Many thanks to the Modi family, Samir Sir, Rahul Sir & his entire team, Dhimant Bhaiya, Rashmi Bhabhi, Nishant Ji, Surekha Madam Ji, Pramila Madam Ji and my team members for their support which helped me to reach here. A special thanks to late K.K. Modi Ji, late Arun Ji, late K.S. Bhargava Ji for their contributions in my life.

What Is Modicare RED DIAMOND DIRECTOR Salary | Job Opening