What is Modicare All Plant Protein Powder? What are the benefits, side effects and price of the modicare protien powder? Review of the modicare all plant protein powder?

Guys, we all knows modicare protein powder | modicare all plant protein powder benefits that protein is very basic and necessary of our body growth as well as for our health also. Protein is of different types commonly divided as essential and non-essential protein.

Many types of proteins are made within our body only but whereas some essential protein we need to intake through our diet, so that our body can grow efficiently and make you healthy and fit. Let’s know about the Modicare protein powder in detail. modicare protein powder | modicare all plant protein powder benefits

Modicare all Plant Protein Powder

Modicare Joining Form

Protein is a very basic need of our body because it is necessary for cells. Protein is present in every cell of our body. Protein only helps in your body development. It improves your immunity system and helps you in fight against number of diseases, also provide you energy and strength to do heavy work and give your best at your work place.

It develops your muscles, bones, tissues and also help in repairing your muscles after exercise. Protein is of 22 types among which 9 are essential amino acids and 13 are non-essential amino acids. Our body can make 13 non-essential amino acid in our body only, but other 9 essential amino acids we need to take them to fulfil our body need. Modicare well all plant protein powder contains all the 9 essential amino acids and fulfil our body’s protein need.

modicare protein powder | modicare all plant protein powder benefits

Modicare all Plant Protein Powder

Protein is a very basic need of our body because it is necessary for cells. Protein is present in every cell of our body. Protein only helps in your body development. It improves your immunity system and helps you in fight against number of diseases, also provide you energy and strength to do heavy work and give your best at your work place.

It develops your muscles, bones, tissues and also help in repairing your muscles after exercise. Protein is of 22 types among which 9 are essential amino acids and 13 are non-essential amino acids. Our body can make 13 non-essential amino acid in our body only, but other 9 essential amino acids we need to take them to fulfil our body need. Modicare well all plant protein powder contains all the 9 essential amino acids and fulfil our body’s protein need.

Modicare Protein powder is one of the best products of modicare company. It has helped number of people in many ways. There are number of benefits that you can get from the modicare all plant protein powder. Modicare has manufactured the well all plant protein powder on the fundamental of power of tri-blend.

All Plant Protein

It means that is contains power of three powerful crops which are Soy, Wheat and Yellow Pea. It contains these three as its major ingredients. It is a great source of protein. You just need to take modicare protein powder one scoop (10g) daily. You can take it 1 to 3 times a day. You can intake in by mixing it in your juice or in your milk. You can even cook it with your food. It is neutral in taste as well as there is no added colour, flavour and preservatives in it.

Today we are going to discuss about the one of the best Modicare product i.e., Modicare Protein Powder. It is one of the best protein supplements that one should prefer.

Today we will tell all the details about Modicare all plant protein powder. We will also discuss modicare all plant protein powder benefits as well as its commonly seen side effects. So, let’s start with today’s topic.

Guys, we all knows that protein is very basic and necessary of our body growth as well as for our health also. Protein is of different types commonly divided as essential and non-essential protein.

Many types of proteins are made within our body only but whereas some essential protein we need to intake through our diet, so that our body can grow efficiently and make you healthy and fit. Let’s know about the Modicare protein powder in detail.

Modicare all Plant Protein Powder

Protein is a very basic need of our body because it is necessary for cells. Protein is present in every cell of our body. Protein only helps in your body development. It improves your immunity system and helps you in fight against number of diseases, also provide you energy and strength to do heavy work and give your best at your work place.

It develops your muscles, bones, tissues and also help in repairing your muscles after exercise. Protein is of 22 types among which 9 are essential amino acids and 13 are non-essential amino acids. Our body can make 13 non-essential amino acid in our body only, but other 9 essential amino acids we need to take them to fulfil our body need. Modicare well all plant protein powder contains all the 9 essential amino acids and fulfil our body’s protein need.

All Plant Protein Powder Benfit In Hindi

Modicare Protein powder is one of the best products of modicare company. It has helped number of people in many ways. There are number of benefits that you can get from the modicare all plant protein powder. Modicare has manufactured the well all plant protein powder on the fundamental of power of tri-blend.

It means that is contains power of three powerful crops which are Soy, Wheat and Yellow Pea. It contains these three as its major ingredients. It is a great source of protein. You just need to take modicare protein powder one scoop (10g) daily. You can take it 1 to 3 times a day. You can intake in by mixing it in your juice or in your milk. You can even cook it with your food. It is neutral in taste as well as there is no added colour, flavour and preservatives in it.

Modicare all Plant Protein Powder Benefits

Guys, however there are number of all plant protein powder benefits. But today we will discuss some of them with you which are its main benefits. So, now we will tell you all the modicare all plant protein powder benefits in detail. Let’s have a look on the following all plant protein powder benefits:

आज के जमाने में प्रोटीन लेना सबके लिए अनिवार्य सा हो गया है। हम जो रोज के खाने में खाना खाते है उससे शरीर को जिस मात्रा में प्रोटीन मिलना चाहिए उतना मिल नही पाता है। इसी वजह से शरीर में अलग अलग छोटी मोटी बीमारियां होती रहती है।

All Plant Protein इसके नाम से ही पता चलता है की यह पौधे या नेचुरल तरीके से बनाया हुआ प्रोटीन पॉउडर है। प्लांट प्रोटीन, व्हीट प्रोटीन और सोय प्रोटीन है जो तीनो का कॉम्बिनेशन है। शायद ही आपको इन तीनो के कॉम्बिनेशन वाला प्रोटीन मार्केट में मिलेगा।

इस प्रोटीन का सबसे बेहतर गुण यह है की इसका PDCAAS स्कोर 1 है। वर्ल्ड हेल्थ आर्गेनाइजेशन (WHO) के द्वारा प्रोटीन मापदंड 1 होना चाहिए ऐसा बताया गया है। इसी कारण मोदीकेयर का यह ऑल प्लांट प्रोटीन पॉउडर का PDCAAS स्कोर 1 है। (Protein Digestive Corrected Amino Acid Score)

प्रोटीन लेना क्यों महत्वपूर्ण है?

मानवीय शरीर में हर एक सेल (Cell) में प्रोटीन पाया जाता है। यह सबसे महत्वपूर्ण भाग है जो शरीर को चाहिए रहता है। यह शरीर के Muscles, Bones, Hair, Skin और Blood के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है।

Modicare Well All Plant Protein Powder लेने से शरीर में ऊर्जा बनी रहेगी। नियमित तरीके से खाना और शरीर के अंदर जो गतिविधियां चलती है वह ठीक तरीके से काम करेगी। भारत में प्रोटीन लेने वालों की संख्या बेहद कम है। वह सिर्फ खाने से मिलने वाले प्रोटीन पे निर्भर है। इसी वजह से कई बीमारियां हो रही है और पता भी नही चल रहा है।

मोदीकेयर वेल ऑल प्लांट प्रोटीन पॉवडर के फायदे | Modicare Well All Plant Protein Powder 500gm benefits in Hindi

  • यह एक सोर्स ऑफ एनर्जी है।
  • Cell और Tissue को डेवलप करता है।
  • जितने Cell खत्म होंगे उतने Cell और बनेंगे।
  • शरीर स्ट्रॉन्ग रहेगा।
  • इम्यून सिस्टम को स्ट्रॉन्ग करता है।
  • यह 100% डाइजेस्टिव प्रोटीन है।
  • 0% Fat और 0% Cholestrol है।
  • यह पूरी तरह से वेजिटेरियन है।

इस प्रोटीन को रोजाना लेना शुरू करे और अपने टीम को भी यह जानकारी शेयर करे जिससे इनको भी इस प्रोडक्ट के बारे में जानकारी मिले।

Modicare All Plant Protein खाने के फायदे

इसमे 9 आवश्यक अमीनो Acid हैं

1)यह शुगर को नियंत्रित करता है ।
2)यह एनर्जी को नियंत्रित करता है ।
3)यह मानसिक एकाग्रता बढ़ाता है ।
4)यह कैल्शियम अवशोषण मे मदद करता है ।
5)यह हारमोन्स बनाता है ।
6)यह एन्टीबाडी बनाता है ।
9)यह थकान दूर करता है ।
10)यह चिड़चिड़ापन दूर करता है ।
11)यह एनीमिया ठीक करता है ।
12)यह बाल झड़ना रोकता है ।
13)यह लीवर से जहरीले तत्वों को बाहर निकालता है ।
14)यह लीवर एवं किडनी के ऊतक बनाता है ।
15)यह पाचन क्रिया को सुधारता है ।
16)यह मसल्स को मजबूत करता है ।
17)यह आस्टियोपोरोसिस मे मदद करता है ।
18)यह डिप्रेशन को कम करता है
19)यह याददाश्त को बढ़ाता है ।
20)यह कोलोजन को बनाता है ।
21)यह माइग्रेन ठीक करने मे मदद करता है ।
22)यह आर्थराइटिस मे लाभ पहुचाता है ।
23)यह हाइपर एक्टीविटी को कम करता है ।
24)यह वजन कम करने मे मदद करता है ।
25)यह अनिद्रा दूर करता है ।
26)यह ऊतकों की मरम्मत करता है ।
27)यह लाल तथा सफेद रक्त कोशिकाओं को बनाता है ।
28)यह हदय को मजबूत करता है ।
29)यह कोलेस्ट्राल नियंत्रित रखता है ।
यानी कि शरीर मे सब कुछ प्रोटीन ही करता है इसे रोज 10-40 ग्राम तक ले सकते हैं ।

Modicare Well all Plant Protein Powder Demo