Weight reduce Result comes out in Just 2 Months with Modicare Products but one shld hv to follow instructions as follows….

today’s lifestyle which is full of junk food, & oily n unhealthy eating habits result in obesity…Whr people become overwight… So now to overcome dis prblm.., One can easily loose weight in 2-3 months by following d mentioned diet n supplements schedule…

🔹Noni Juice ( Twice a day )
It boosts energy n stamina and improves immunity. Also aids in digestion.

🔹Protein Crest ( Shake )
U need to skip d dinner and instead take Shake mixed with milk & protein crest powder.
It is a balanced nutritional drink mix formulated with soy protein isolate, Low on fat and easy to digest.

🔹D- Tox
( Once in morning & once evening before meals )
It helps the Body’s natural cleaning process.

🔹Spirulina ( Twice a day )
It is rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients that r known for fighting against infections n diseases. It is rich in both iron n protein content.

🔹Green Tea 🍃🍃
Avoid taking normal tea, instead start taking Green tea.

It should be taken daily for a healthy life, soothes d skin and helps reduce weight.

🔺🔺 Along wid all these try avoiding oily and fried stuff in ur diet… Instead start taking more of salad, sprouts etc.
So Now without any dieting or Gymming u can easily loose weight by using these herbal n organic health supplements with No side effects at all… 👍

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